Because I'm lazy, here's a quick summary courtesy of Wikipedia:
iamamiwhoami is an anonymous electronic music project featuring a female lead singer, found in 2009. It was promoted through a viral campaign on YouTube. On 4 December 2009, a surreal clip less than a minute long appeared on YouTube submitted by iamamiwhoami. The clip was forwarded to several known blogger as well as music journalists. A second soon appeared and then a third. By then, Chris Cantalini and MTV writer James Montgomery picked up on the clips fueling speculation that had been building in blogs
That's the gist. There was a period of time when a lot of people were convinced it was Christina Aguilera but that theory's been discarded, and some clever internet detectives have discovered that iamamiwhoami is an obscure singer/songwriter named Jonna Lee. The identity is pretty irrelevant though. The creativity is what counts here.
These clips, aside from featuring some genuinely cool, promising bits of music, are visually outstanding. At this moment, there have been about 4 complete songs released (in addition to all the other clips that preceded them), with accompanying videos. They're all good in their own way, but the standout is easily "O" which I can confidently say is my favorite track of 2010 thus far. Imagine the spacey, dark, synth-happy sound of Fever Ray or The Knife, but with arguably better vocals and exceptional lyrics. I wouldn't say it's a derivative sound. Maybe one that tips its hat to its influences, but absolutely builds on them. This is my kind of music. I'm hoping we get some kind of announcement on a full album before the end of the summer. This is a project that has serious potential. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
iamamiwhoami's YouTube Channel - featuring all their videos to date.
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