Marina Diamandis is certainly one of my favorite pop stars. There's a refreshing uncensored quality to her lyrics that is simultaneously conceptual, funny, and melancholy without coming across as insincere. It doesn't hurt that she's a real musician either.
I originally created this poster for Marina's "YouTube Presents" appearance that my sister & I attended a few months ago in NYC. Since that wasn't a "real" concert however, it never quite felt complete - so with this imminent show at Terminal 5, I thought I would polish what I'd done and make a more definitive version.
With my poster, my aim was to replicate/reference the subtle, "static-y" TV effect that's apparent on the cover art for "Primadonna." Furthermore, the text is meant to acknowledge the multitude of identities and archetypes Marina takes on in her current LP "Electra Heart." The bubblegum's heart shape is simply a reference to Electra Heart's first track.
Hope you like it!
Raw scan of the original illustration.
"YouTube Presents" version.
Final Terminal 5 version.