Monday, March 26, 2012

"Machete Peach" score

Shockingly, I don't think I ever posted about the hilarious short film my dear friends made, titled "Machete Peach", shot on location in Panama. I had the honor and pleasure of creating an original score for "Machete Peach" which was finally completed and posted this past September. My friend Ryan Smith (who is currently scoring an even more ambitious film as we speak) wrote the amazing music that plays during the intro, and I wrote everything beginning at the 2:45 mark. The score went through numerous drafts, but myself and the film makers are both happy with the final product. Would love to do it all over again.

You can watch "Machete Peach" and its predecessor "Machete Cake" at the following link. The 3rd part in the trilogy is currently in pre-production! Enjoy!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Maybe Bomb art

My brother John and I are finally zeroing in on an art direction for his solo music project Maybe Bomb. The album, titled "Dotted Lines and Whispers" (listen to the title track here, has been mixed and mastered for a while now. The one major factor that's been holding back its official release is the artwork and design for the album.

Make sure to "Like" Maybe Bomb's facebook page and follow them on twitter. Don't forget John's soundcloud page either!

Here's some recent tests I've done.


Oh boy, first post of 2012! late March. Here's some recent sketches.

Rachel Solando (from Scorsese's 'Shutter Island'):

Madame Charlotte Gainsbourg (also with blood on her face for no real reason):

Headphone girl:
