I saw these guys completely upstage 30 Seconds To Mars (who were tragically disappointing) 2 nights in a row last week, and I've gotta say, they come highly recommended from me, both on record and on stage. The first time I heard their current single "Animal" I'll admit I was not blown away. However, it's a song that carves it's way into your skull without you even realizing it, and ultimately becomes indicative of their masterfully constructed Pop Rock tunes. Imagine The Killers with less synths, less ego, and a better singer. Normally, less prominent synths would be a strike against them (I'm an absolute sucker for synthesizers and electronics in general), but Neon Trees more than make up for it with their exceptionally tight, focused arrangements and charisma. Their ace in the hole in this case would be singer and synth player Tyler Glenn, who has an absolutely phenomenal voice that's arguably better live (see the 2nd YouTube link). Some of the finest moments on their debut album "Habits" come in the form of Glenn harmonizing with drummer Elaine Bradley on songs like the aforementioned "Animal" and "1983." Guitarist Chris Allen maintains a driving and restrained playing style, never getting in the way of the song itself while simultaneously moving it forward. Similarly, Bassist Branden Campbell locks in with Ms. Bradley, creating a genuinely powerful rhythm section throughout. Campbell's presence is refreshing, given how often the Bass guitar is undermixed on albums of every genre.
Overall, Neon Trees aren't doing anything terribly original, which they acknowledge. Rather, their strength comes in the form of superb execution. Their songs are remarkably well crafted on record, and wonderfully, energetically performed in the live setting. (It also doesn't hurt that they're incredibly nice and inviting people off stage.)
Sins of My Youth (Live in Montclair, NJ - Filmed like a true amateur by yours truly)
Your Surrender (Live Acoustic)
Buy their album
Official site